Wylder is Growing!


The Wylder West Series launched in December 2020 with four books: 
The Wylder County Social Club by Nicole McCaffrey
Wylder Hearts by Kim Turner
A Walk on the Wylder Side by Laura Strickland
A Wylder Christmas by Sarita Leone

In the last few months three more Wylder books have been added to the series: 
Wylder's Magic by Sherrie Lea Morgan
Home in Wylder by Jane Lewis
A Wylder Undertaking by Laura Strickland

Wylder's growing! This Wyoming territory town filled with intriguing characters, wild adventures, and western romance. It's the kind of place that invites a person to come on in and sit a spell. 

I've read all the stories so far and have enjoyed each one. Between us? I'm waiting on the next Wylder release! If you like your cowboys hot, your women strong and sassy, and believe in love, then you'll enjoy this series, too. 

Why not mosey on over? Sit a spell? Fall under Wylder's charms...


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