Wylder Hearts


In Kim Turner’s Wylder Hearts, the latest release in the Wylder West series by the Wild Rose Press, we find a classic tale of two people torn between what their hearts wants and what duty expects.   


Rancher Caleb Holt raises horses for sale—but only to those who’ll treat the animals with respect. Buyers who fail to heed Caleb’s advice learn quickly, often painfully, to mend their ways.  

While witnessing Caleb dole out advice, struggling seamstress and single mother Laurel Adams comes face to face—literally and figuratively—with an honorable man.  


In the middle of Wylder County, Wyoming Territory and encouraged by the colorful populace we met in other Wylder stories, Caleb and Laurel fall in love. At long last, he finds the love he’s been waiting for. In Caleb, Laurel discovers a man vastly different from the wastrel who wed, then abandoned her and their infant son on an elusive hunt for gold.


Shortly before the nuptials, Laurel’s husband shows up, demanding his rights as a husband and father. What is a woman of the late 1800s, with few legal remedies at her disposal and limited means of support for herself and her beloved child to do? Should a man, raised to be true to his moral code and values, stand by and watch a woman he’s come to love take off for the Dakotas, taking the child he’s come to view as his own, with some slick-suited fortune hunter?


The answer is one worth turning the pages!


On a scale of 1-5, Wylder Hearts deserves a 5.


Kat Henry Doran, Wild Women Reviews


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