Saturday Shenanigans—What Went on at the Bunkhouse?


Ever wonder just what went on in the bunkhouses of the old west? Cowboys by the dozen, perhaps, living in close quarters for a season or longer, on ranches across the frontier. 

All the distractions we rely on now—internet, television, karaoke machines, to name a random few—weren't options for those hardy men. So, how did they keep themselves amused between trips to town? 

Well, it seems like a lot of men played musical instruments, like guitars or harmonicas. They sang beside campfires and belly stoves. 

Others read or wrote poetry. That's right, cowboys wrote poems, probably influenced by the sweeping vistas and longing for sweethearts they'd left behind. 

Card games passed long hours. Wagering on hands dealt and Lady Luck's benevolence—or lack thereof—surely kept games lively. 

Sleep probably claimed a lot of hours. The men worked hard in an often harsh landscape under physically demanding conditions so any extra shut-eye was most likely welcomed. 

Want to learn more about cowboys and their habits? History has an interesting article that goes into some detail. 

Me? I wish I could take a walk back in time, peek into the bunkhouse windows, and see for myself just how those strong men lived... 

Happy Saturday, friends! 



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