Saloon Girls in the Wild West

Ever wonder what life was like back in the wild west for a saloon girl?

For most, life was hard. Seems at first glance to be fun, all that singing and dancing and such, but when it got right down to it, those women were strong. The profession certainly wasn't all fun and games!

Many women took up the social professions as a result of being widowed, orphaned, or just alone. The women they lived with often became stand-in families. 

They dealt with venereal disease, violence, and a host of other less-than-savory issues. Still, many did it because there was no shortage of positions for a woman willing to sing, dance, and drink with wild west men. 

The pay varied but sometimes it was enough for a woman to build a new life. There are many stories of women who worked in saloons for a period of time, socked the earnings away, and then moved on to fulfill a dream. 

Still wondering? Take a peek and get some more information. 

And if you want to see what life for the "soiled doves" in Wylder entailed, check out Nicole McCaffrey's The Wylder County Social Club! It is a hoot! 


  1. Oh, Sarita, thank you so much for the shout out! This was such a fun blog topic!!

    1. Nicole, my pleasure!

      Miss Addie and her girls add so much to Wylder--I want everyone to visit with them! :)


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