Iconic Figures of the Old West

By Laura Strickland


If, like me, you grew up watching Westerns on TV—and those of us a particular age certainly did—you probably have some iconic Western figures fixed firmly in mind. They populated the shows we watched, and most of the movies too. There was often a crusty rancher, struggling to make good for the sake of his family, or a young and extremely handsome one, up and coming. There was a valiant sheriff—he’d probably been kicking around the West a while and had learned his job the hard way, but boy was he good at it. There was the barman with an interesting backstory, the town doctor, the saloon girl with a heart who provided cowboys with the comfort they needed at the end of a long trail.

Our town of Wylder, Wyoming is no different. For me, reading the books in this series has been like watching a fabulous weekly Western starring folks whose stories I just have to know. All the iconic figures are here: Doc Coyote Sullivan, who survived the horrors of the War Between the States. Sheriff Earl Hanson, who just might have started out life using his gun for nefarious purposes (he’s not talkin’.) School marm Violet Bloom, who’s certainly no shrinking violet. Several old, gossipy biddies, a former gunslinger trying to make good, and dozens more. Each of these characters is a fully-developed person with hopes and dreams, strengths and faults. Each of them wants to call Wylder home.

I’d like to invite you to Wylder, to meet these folks. Come stroll along our dusty streets, stop in the Five Star Saloon (the best in town) for a drink. You may have to duck a few flying bullets, or get out of the way of a fiery mustang on the loose, but I think you’ll want to linger. Whether you’re a reader or a writer, Wylder’s a pretty entertaining place to be.

The series begins with Nicole McCaffrey’s The Wylder County Social Club, and is already seven books strong. Keep a watch for more new stories coming soon!


  1. I love the folks who populate Wylder! And it's so much fun to see new faces arrive. Great post, Laura!

  2. Like Sarita, I love all the characters in Wylder--and they are characters :)

    1. They sure are, Barb! That's what makes them such fun.


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