Home in Wylder

           To escape gossip about her disastrous engagement, Sarah Miller flees to Wylder, Wyoming where her aunt owns a dress shop. But the danger she discovers in the wild west has her ready to board the next stagecoach out of town.

Daniel Taylor rescues a damsel in distress only to fall in love with her at first sight. The past has taught him that gentle women don't make Wylder their home. He intends to court Sarah, but braces himself for a broken heart, knowing she will eventually leave town.

When Sarah is forced to face down the men who have tormented her since her arrival in Wylder, she will have to make the most difficult decision of her life.

Our Review: There are many good qualities to this story. Perhaps one of the strongest is the author’s ability to create a colorful setting, paying particular attention to the details surrounding the “old west”, then populating it with multi-layered, compelling characters—each one different from the next and equally enchanting. Well done, Ms. Lewis.

On a scale of 1-5, Home in Wylder deserves a 6.

Kat Henry Doran, Wild Women Reviews. 



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