Friday Fun: Cowboy Slang

I can’t vouch for the historical accuracy of some of these, but they certainly are fun! I found these several years ago in a book called Uncle John's Bathroom Reader:

He’s crooked enough to sleep on a corkscrew (refers to a dishonest person).

Raised on prunes and proverbs (a religious person)

Coffin varnish (whiskey)

Fat as a well-fed needle (poor)

Deceitful beans (meaning they’ll talk behind your back—as in give you gas)

Got a pill in his stomach that he can’t digest (shot dead).

She’s like a turkey gobbler in a hen pen (proud

He’s like a breedin’ jackass in a tin barn (noisy)

Fryin’ size but plumb salty (a senior citizen)

Quicker ‘n’ you can spit and holler howdy (fast)

Studying to be a half wit (stupid or crazy)

Built like a snake on stilts (tall)

She’s on melody but strong on noise (a bad singer)

Weasel-smart (very crafty)

Scarce as bird dung in a cuckoo clock (hard to find)

Dry as the dust in a mummy’s pocket (very dry)

In the lead when tongues was handed out (talks too much)

If he closed one eye, he’d look like a needle (very skinny)

Lives in a house so small he can’t cuss his cat without getting’ fur in his mouth (a tightwad)

He died of throat trouble (meaning hung)

Happy trails!



  1. Nicole, these are fun! Thank you!

  2. I needed this laugh today! Very clever sayings.

  3. They are fun, aren't they??? So glad I could make you smile today!


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